New Stuff and Things (May)
So, I last left a post about being invited to play with Alex Boye'. Man, what a pleasure to play with such a monster talent. I love his material, very tribal sounding which is super fun to play. He is also such a sweet man to work for. He his funny like no other and has tons of energy. Anyways, it was a great show, the crowd loved it, Alex loved, I loved it...great night.
I also had the great privilege of getting a lesson last week with the awesome funk/rock drummer Nikki Glaspie. For those of you who are not aware of who she is, she is an awesome drummer who has played with everyone from Beyonce', Kanye West, and Jay-Z to Maceo Parker, Ivan Neville, and Cody Chestnut to name a few. We had an awesome lesson: grooving, talking technique, geeking out about deep cuts of various funk/soul artists, and talking about the state of music today. It was so refreshing to talk to someone who knows where music has been and were it can be in the future.
Anyways, I have been super busy with gigs with my big band, teaching lessons, and gigs with the Aaron Ball band. This summer has some cool stuff happing, and I will be better at telling about it in the future.
Also, thanks for reading. Have a great day!